Monday, March 31, 2008

The Hopkins Family

I recently had the pleasure of photographing the Hopkins clan-- three generations of wonderful people. For you locals, Becky Hopkins is the director of the Gingerbread preschool, which both of my children attended and loved loved loved. I can't say enough about the play-based curriculum and dedicated staff there. So it was no surprise to meet Becky's parents, and experience the magical home and garden in which they raised their three children. These grandkids are soooooo lucky!

Did you know Becky has a twin sister?

Lila, Sam, and Waylon with mom and dad.

Waylon, wailing.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mason's Freckles

For those of you with children, I am sure you know how quickly time seems to be passing. I was again, reminded of this the other day, while sitting at Starbucks with my son, Mason. Mason is in Kindergarten, and he is out of school a few hours before his big sister, Madeline. Sometimes he and I will hang out together, just the two of us. Next year, he will be in school all day long, and I know I will really miss our time together.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Kim and I were in the city this last weekend, shooting the most amazing couple, Tiffany and Andrew.

These two really know and love San Francisco, and took us on a tour of many of their favorite spots. It was so much fun, and I think they will be really happy with their engagement photos. (To see more of Tiffany and Andrew, see the K&N blog.) We ended up at the North Beach bar Tosca. What a great joint-- famous for their coffee cocktail. Stop by next time you're in the city.

model shots from Bald Head

Here are my two favorite shots from our first Model Shoot. Erica was a fantastic model-- So easy to work with. Of course, I had to get the shoes...

Bald Head Island, y'all!

Last week my partner Kim and I attended an amazing conference on the charming Bald Head Island, North Carolina. We met some amazing and talented people, and had a blast. Here are a few scenic shots of the island. As our new friends from the South would say, "We had a stinkin' good time!"

This is the old Baldy Lighthouse-- so beautiful and a great backdrop for the Model shoots we did.

In the distance you can see the rooftops of the incredible houses we stayed in, just steps from the moody Atlantic ocean.

Everywhere you look, there is a "postcard" waiting to be recorded.